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Colette Black-Heaton

Colette Black-Heaton

Originally from South Africa, Colette has more than 20 years’ experience in event design, operations, logistics and project management. Her contagious enthusiasm, whirlwind energy and military attention to detail have established her reputation as an exceptional events manager in the UK and internationally.

Unruffled and upbeat under the tightest of deadlines, Colette says her toughest challenge is getting her dog Oban to stop chasing birds while they’re out in the wilds.

She has worked on large scale events and international conferences throughout the UK, Europe and Asia for clients including Food Standards Scotland, The European Society of Toxicology, The International Society of Travel Medicine, Old Mutual Wealth and Sanlam Investment Management.

Most awesome work moment

Arranging a Gala Dinner on the Great Wall of China

Favourite hobby

Trail Running

Best advice ever given or received

Forget the mistake but remember the lesson

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