Inspirational People
Lloyds Banking Group
Lloyds Banking Group’s Diversity & Inclusion team commissioned us to create a series of videos showcasing colleagues from diverse backgrounds who were carving out successful careers in the organisation. They were to include an analyst with cerebral palsy, a member of the graduate scheme who was blind, a gay area manager, a woman who had been granted significant of time off to deal with fertility issues, and an Asian director.
Our conversations with Jimmy, Simon, Louis, Jenny and Mark revealed powerful stories of tremendous challenges being faced and overcome. We felt a documentary approach would be a much richer and more memorable viewing experience than simply watching people talking in an office.
After viewing the films, hundreds of colleagues wrote to express how they had been inspired by what they had seen, and conveyed their support and solidarity. Making the film was life-changing for some of our ‘inspirational people’. For example, it gave Jimmy Asuni an awareness of power to inspire others, and he went on to establish links with an organization supporting children with disabilities in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.