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Recruitment Social Media Films


Stagecoach is the UK’s second largest transport group. Its rapid expansion over recent years has brought challenges – with a constant requirement for new bus drivers being one of them.

Speakeasy was asked to create a range of social media films to support recruitment across the bus company, but with a particular focus on drivers. These films needed to be ‘real’ – Stagecoach prides itself on its ‘family’ approach – and the friendly, flexible atmosphere in many Stagecoach depots is a major factor in staff retention.

Our director and crew worked hard to create a relaxing atmosphere for the contributors, most new to the process of filming. By doing so, we uncovered some great, engaging stories – two couples who enjoyed life together at Stagecoach, one driver with over 30 years’ service. Good-humoured, conversational interviews delivered a feel-good atmosphere to the final films.

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