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Recruitment & Induction

Scottish Enterprise

We have found that filming interviews in a studio setting – either in an actual studio or against a ‘pop up’ background – can give us far more creative scope, allowing us to emphasise key messages and produce films that are far more engaging than conventional ‘talking head’ videos.

In these recruitment and induction films for Scottish Enterprise, the green screen allows us to create 2D and 3D elements that the contributors appear to interact with.

Branded, animated captions also underline key concepts that the interviewees refer to. By turning to look at the captions, the contributors helping to draw the audience’s attention to them and create a sense of having ownership of them.

The un-scripted interview approach meant that the comments felt genuine and heartfelt – rather than ‘learned’ or read off a page. The interviewees included new recruits, seasoned professionals and the management team.

Recruitment & Induction

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