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Responsible Sourcing


Nestlé is the world’s largest food and beverage company, headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland.

The group wanted to create films tracing its vanilla and sugar supply chains back to their source, and commissioned Speakeasy to produce these.

Shot in Mexico and Madagascar, the films highlight Nestlé’s fundamental approach to responsible sourcing: knowing were the raw materials and ingredients it buys come from – and improving suppliers’ practices.

In Madagascar we meet Simon, who has been farming vanilla for about 18 years. We also interview one of Nestlé’s responsible sourcing managers, who confirms that today, the company can trace 100% of the vanilla pods used in its ice cream back to the farmers in Madagascar.

The decorative caption style we use for the English subtitles creates a distinctive graphical look, as well as providing a translation of the interviews. We also use captions to highlight key facts and statistics.

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