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Diversity & Inclusion film

Travis Perkins

Travis Perkins, the UK’s largest builders’ merchant, commissioned Speakeasy to
produce a film spearheading its ‘Workforce with a Difference’ campaign. This
encouraged staff to think more carefully about how they treat each other, to avoid both personal and commercial damage to the business.

The film was based on the central idea of not treating colleagues as though they are
the same as you – and featured a central character who literally
sees himself in everyone he interacts with in the work place.

The damage to the business, in terms of performance and reputation, are depicted
through a series of hard-hitting scenarios which highlight the dangers of not
considering the individual circumstances of colleges – and how the things we say
and do may impact on them. The film used professional actors and was shot over
two days in a series of Travis Perkins locations. It was premiered at the group’s
annual conference, receiving universal praise from the UK management team.

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