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Landlords’ Guides

Mayor of London

Speakeasy was commissioned by the Greater London Authority to produce a series of five short animations with the purpose of driving a greater number of people to sign up to the London Rental Standard.

This was a voluntary accreditation scheme introduced by the Mayor of London to improve private renting and promote good standards.

The aim was to prompt the audience for these films – primarily landlords – to seek important information online, specifically on legal issues, deposits, health and safety and damp and mould.

We created a simple and engaging animation style that allowed us to easily illustrate the effects on properties of problems like damp, mould and condensation. This, in turn, made the animations and their key messages more accessible and memorable for landlords.

Animation Showreel 2020

Animation Showreel 2020

Landlords’ Guides

Landlords’ Guides

Mayor of London
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