Brilliantly Connected
Scottish Enterprise
As part of an organisation-wide print, video and digital brand refresh, Speakeasy was commissioned to create a new brand film for Scottish Development International. This would highlight how Scotland is brilliantly connected for businesses across a number of sectors including the financial and technology industries.
We mixed new and archive footage to showcase Scotland and its businesses at their most dramatic, colourful and engaging.
Scotland’s ‘connectivity’ was visually represented in the film by a dynamic neon graphical ‘pulse’. This zoomed through and over different settings in Scotland – landmarks including the Kelpies and the Forth Rail Bridge; Scottish cities seen from above and a business meeting with advisors – connecting businesses to each other, via vital infrastructures, people and innovative technologies.
We also created seven case studies to accompany the main brand film. These featured interviews with companies including Barclays, JP Morgan and games specialist Outplay.
St Andrews Day Campaign Viral
BAEutiful Mind
BAE Systems
Farnborough Airshow Film
BAE Systems
Land of Food & Drink
Scottish Enterprise
Brand Values
Building Better, Together
Travis Perkins
Life Sciences Promotion
Scottish Enterprise
Brilliantly Connected
Scottish Enterprise
Inspiring the Future
British American Tobacco
Building Your Tomorrow Today
Doosan Babcock